Monday, March 21, 2011

Yosemite - One Year Ago

As photographers, we're always excited about the next scene we are about to capture. I'm certainly no exception. However, I do find it useful to slow down a bit, look back and review what has already been done.

Just over a year ago, I set out for Yosemite with my friend and fellow photographer, Minh Ly. I've photographed several locations in multiple countries, but this trip bears special meaning for me as it was my first real photo expedition. Our only purpose was to take photographs, and I learned a lot about planning ahead for these kind of trips. Minh & I followed local weather patterns weeks in advance, purchased extra batteries, filters, and winter gear in preparation for the trip. Each day, we left our hotel room in complete darkness. We took extra care to be in place at our desired location well before the dawn. Until then, I never realized how cold you can get just standing still in snow, despite my thermals, Gore-tex lined shoes, and multiple pairs of winter socks. It wasn't too bad though.

Its been some time since I had the opportunity to photograph Yosemite, but that trip marked a major step forward in my comprehension of light, patience, composition, and overall understanding of photography. If I had the chance to be there at this moment, I'd certainly do a few things differently. I scrutinize my work a lot more now. At the same time, I can appreciate it for what it was, and the lessons I can take with me. Below, are a two images that have been recently re-edited.

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